Friday, May 14, 2010


Marissa Tong - She has a very, very pretty watercolor painting. She says that it was all on a whim, but my personal interpretation is that the road symbolizes Jack's journey throughout the novel, the fire represents his past, and the lips and alcohol bottle are obviously events in the novel. She later explained that the brown blob in the corner is a walnut, but I digress.

Ashley Rockwell - Her collage accurately represents Jack's life, not only by portraying events with imagery, but through the arrangement of the pictures on the poster; they are scattered, which to me represents how hectic and confusing Jack's childhood was. Also, I think that use of phrases combined with the imagery was a great idea and that it adds depth to the collage.

Matt Reiss - Matt also made a collage, but unlike Ashley's, his was arranged on a computer. That is not to say that it isn't a great collage; it is a wonderful work. Although he used common images from the movie, they were altered and arranged in a way that brought more meaning to them. For example, he took the portrait of jack, enlarged it and set it next to a large American flag, so that it covers half his face, which gives it a more serious tone. It gives it a sense of drama.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

... it was supposed to be a *chestnut*.