Saturday, January 31, 2009

"They misspelled 'Caroline.'"

Some part of my brain knows I should save up some money for the next few movies. I'll just have to stop buying food and stuff like that...

The Watchmen
- Looks like a movie that should be seen on a big screen with surround sound and the plot sounds interesting too. My friend Evan and I stood one day staring at the poster in the theatre hallway, trying to figure out where these two shadows were coming from. They were like in an alley, but the light was shining from directly above them. I say 'them' because we believe it was two people.... but anway!

- At first glance it seemed overhyped, but the trailer just wowed me. It's all dark and spooky in that innocent sort of way. Plus, 3D glasses always equals fun! Still, I can wait to see it.

Revolutionary Road
- This however, I can't wait to see! The way the setting and the music and the underlying, sort of hidden suburban turmoil just sort of blend is looking increasingly rewarding. Evan said that by now he's sick of DiCaprio's face, but I don't really hold those movies against him. I think he can pull it off. I just don't want to get too excited in case it turns out to be dissapointing.


Lorita said...

I really want to watch Coraline and Revolutionary Road. I heard that they were both incredible movies and high reviews were listed for both. Growing up, Coraline was one of my all-time favorite books. I can't believe they misspelled it.

Burt said...

*laughs* I know huh?