Thursday, September 25, 2008

What feels like my first real post

Well, here we are. Coming up with things to write about that others might find worth reading. Hopefully, eventually, I'll come up with things worth debating for you instead of just writing down my thoughts and hope you were thinking the same thing. Really, I think I see myself posting more comments than my own posts. But if you're interested in hearing about myself as that's all i can think of to talk about lately, then right now I hear the T.V. playing some fake reality show, the radio playing some song I don't even know the name to nor bother to know, and as i find my own thoughts harder and harder to grasp i can only think of trying to finish this sentence in a way that sounds like it was written by someone who can hopefully talk better than he writes.

I miss the beauty of my own handwriting. I used to be able to be satisfied knowing that even if what was written wasn't my best work, at least it was neat and different and in it's own way beautiful at least in my own mind. Even if i could write something better than what i could on paper, if i could somehow copy it down to the paper then it might benefit from my handwriting, and in that way isn't it the blog posts that are at a loss here? I think just the venue of a computer makes everyone appreciate the words less, but at the same time you want to be heard and passing around papers of material might prove to be problematic. Hopefully I won't end up sacrificing quality for convenience.

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